AZ66 Biofeedbacks in a dystopian world
AZ66 (2009) - student project by Stephan Froment (project management), Stéphanie Mader, Antoine Sarafian (programming), Delphine Soriano (visual arts), Aymeric Schwartz (sound design), Mélanie Ginibre (usability), Voice acting by Laure Nowak and Aymeric Schwartz

Take the role of AZ66, a citizen of a dystopian society. When a citizen is detected as abnormal, he has to take some physical and psychological tests and pass them in order to be considered normal. This is AZ66's case and you'll play this moment of his life. During the test, AZ66 is guided by the voice of a man and a woman who work for the government.

With the help of the CEDRIC (CNAM, Paris), AZ66 is playable with wearable hearth sensors.
The game reacts according to the hearth rate of the player.

» Download the game
» Game website

Appeared on Game Developer January 2010 Issue, Educated play: Focus on ENJMIN's student game AZ66

Publications :
AZ66 How Can We Play With Emotions ?
Stéphane Froment, Mélanie Ginibre, Stéphanie Mader, Antoine Sarafian, Aymeric Schwartz, Delphine Soriano, Jérôme Dupire, Alexandre Topol
ICEC'09, Int. Conf. on Entertainment Computing. Paris, France 2009
HAL [conference_paper]

Jérôme Dupire, Alexandre Topol, Stéphane Froment, Mélanie Ginibre, Stéphanie Mader, Antoine Sarafian, Aymeric Schwartz, Delphine Soriano
IEEE ICE-GIC'09, IEEE Consumer Electronics Society's Games Innovations Conference. London, England 2009
HAL [demonstration]

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