Le Village aux Oiseaux Gotta shoot 'em all (in pictures)

Le Village aux Oiseaux (2011) - therapeutic game

Le Village aux Oiseaux (The Birds’ Village) is a project that aims to develop a therapeutic game for seniors who suffer from Alzheimer's disease. The objective is to help users to train their attention in order to slow down the cognitive loss caused by this disease.

The project was developed by 6 partners (Tekneo, Seaside Agency, SpirOps, NeoFactory, CNAM/CEDRIC/ILJ, INSERM). At the time, I was working at Seaside Agency and in charge of the Game Design and Level Design of the prototype.

Working on this project was the impulse to start my PhD thesis on game design methods for therapeutic games.

Appeared on Nouvel Obs - Le Plus

Awards & Recognition: Games for Change at E-virtuoses 2011: innovation/R&D Award
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